Worship Ministry


But You are Holy, O You inhabit the praises of your people (Israel)
-Psalm 22:3

Worship is more than a song. Worship is a lifestyle. At IBC, we desire that each and every time our congregation meets to worship that we have a life-changing encounter with God. We strive to be faithful in worshiping God for who He is, not just for what He can do for us. When we as God's people forget about the world, disappointment,  our problems, and our sins and then replace those ideas with thoughts of worship, things happen! Lives are restored, marriages are healed, hearts are opened, sin is forgotten, and ultimately, salvation is discovered; all by the power of Jesus Christ by faith in Him!


We want YOU! We welcome all types of musicians; beginners and professionals. God tells us to bring what we have to Him and see if He will not bless it beyond our wildest dreams! (Malachi 3:10) All we ask at IBC is that you come willing to serve God and let Him do the rest. 


The Vocal Praise Team leads our congregation in worship on Sunday morning and Sunday night. It is not required that you read music to join; "ear singers" are welcome! This team meets for practice 1 hour before service time. Members must be 7th grade or older. To join the team, contact Ashley Chastain.   


The Instrumental Praise Team consists of all types of instruments from guitars and drums to trumpets and saxophones. This team accompanies the Vocal Praise Team on Sunday mornings. They meet at 8:30 on Sunday mornings to practice. To join this team, contact Bro. Ben or Ms. Rita Pyle.  

Media Ministry

The media ministry personnel operate all audio, video, lighting, and camera equipment. We invite anyone interested in technology, sound and lighting to serve here, no experience needed!


Each week during the collection of tithes and offerings we ask a member of this team to offer a song offering. This can either be a solo or an ensemble.