
We are a Bible-based church that recognizes Jesus Christ as the Son of God who became a human, died in payment for our sins, and was raised from the dead victorious! Because of His sacrifice, we are able to know God and walk with Him. This relationship begins with each individual making a decision to repent from the old sinful, human way, and to follow Christ in day to day discipleship toward a new life – God’s way.  With this decision, one receives an eteral gift of salvation that cannot be taken away, and we experience the great the love and direction of the Holy Spirit who helps give God’s instructions for day-to-day living. We trust the Bible as our guide and see the Scriptures as the complete and inspired word of God.




  1. OUR VISION: ... to reflect our core values - prayer, biblical instruction, worship, family, fellowship, and evangelism

  2. OUR MISSION: ...to share Christ, make disciples, and build believers.