Our Core Values


We value prayer because it is the basic form of communicating with God.  The Lord uses prayer to transform us.  Prayer moves God to action.   Through prayer, we discover God's point of view.  We can also discover what He wants us to do.  Prayer changes us and it changes things around us.  There is no greater work than prayer.  Like the early disciples asked Jesus, we also ask, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1).

Biblical Instruction

We value instruction in the Bible.  We desire to know the truths of Scripture.  We want to grow in our knowledge of the Bible, God’s perfect Word without any mixture of error.  In the Bible, we learn the ways and the will of God, and how to live a life that pleases Him.  Therefore, if we want to know God and know how to live a godly life, we must know the Bible.  Only through His Word are we going to learn all of these things.  

We value hearing, reading, studying, memorizing, meditating upon, and applying God’s Word to our lives.  Our value of Biblical instruction rests upon the knowledge that…“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…” (2 Timothy 3:16) 


We value spending time with other Christians.  We value the opportunities that fellowship affords us to love, accept, forgive, and encourage our brothers and sisters who also have made life commitments to follow Christ as Lord.  We are thankful for our brothers and sisters, knowing that the Christ living in them is the same Christ living in me, and He gives each of us great worth and significance.  We value fellowship because we make each other stronger as we love, confront, help, and care for one another.  


We value all families.  We value the God-given, precious relationships between husbands and wives and their children.  God Himself instituted the family, and we recognize that the family unit is His special gift to each of us.  The marriage relationship is the first one that God established.  It is also the relationship from which all others began. 

The home is the classroom for human conduct and relationships.  The relationship between the father and mother sets the pattern for the home.  Relationships built in the home help children understand their personal worth and build their self-confidence that enable them to establish other relationships.


We value the Biblical ministry of evangelism.  We prioritize the task of telling others the good news about Christ.  We value the responsibility to tell the story of salvation through Jesus’ finished work upon the cross. 

We recognize the mandate we have to be a Great Commission church.  We are thankful for individual opportunities to share Christ in our neighborhood, with family and friends, and to participate in both community and world-wide efforts of evangelism.  We realize that evangelism is only the first step in the life-long discipleship process of a follower of Christ.


We value the opportunities for both corporate and individual times of worship.  We seek to maintain obedient lifestyles that keep us daily in tune with God through praise and worship.  We believe that worship is simply attributing worth to God, and we desire to do this continually.

We understand that true worship involves our entire being – heart, mind, and body.  We want to obey the command of Jesus to be a true worshipper of our Father in spirit and in truth.  We know His Word, the Bible, gives ample instructions concerning worship.